香港葵青區內最大型商場,匯聚潮流服飾、彩妝美容及餐飲美食於一身的新都會廣場現邀請喜愛玩樂又時尚的你來玩“Jump for Shopping"!!一齊跳住Shopping贏大獎!!
The largest shopping mall in Kwai Tsing District, Hong Kong, The Metroplaza converges trend of fashion, beauty, food and beverage, is now inviting you to play a game "Jump for Shopping!! And take the prizes home!!
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Getting the $ 100 cash coupon by play game, how amazing is that!!! Download and play it now!! Beauty and fashion coupons and a lot more for you to discover! So now, spread it to your friends and play together, win together.
Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd